GNM - Holding Weight

Before we were land animals, if we were without water we died. Water is still essential for survival so our body will retain water in extreme circumstances. Water is sent to areas that need healing (swelling and inflammation). We will hold on to it for our survival.

Holding extra fluid could be when someone can’t shift a bit of weight on their belly, or can’t lose a couple of kgs, or people that are doing everything ‘right’ but still can’t lose weight. This comes from an extreme stress - an ABANDONMENT, EXISTENCE or REFUGEE CONFLICT.

This could be a large stress such as having to move overseas to escape, or a partner or parent leaving. For a child, being left by a parent (at day care for example) could be perceived as a life threatening stress because they don’t have the understanding yet that they are safe.

It could also be something like ‘I don’t fit in’, ‘I haven’t found my tribe’, moving overseas, or feeling left out. It feels like a fish out of water - I don’t belong. An existence conflict may occur with a cancer diagnosis, or a negative prognosis, or if you have ‘lost everything’. 

Our body fluids have a salt concentration of 0.9%. This is the same percentage for tears, amniotic fluid, blood and the ocean. Kidneys are the organ responsible for water retention.

In the Conflict Active phase (the stress) we hold the fluid for protection. When we have resolved the conflict our body no longer needs to hold on to the fluid so the kidneys will release it, and peeing more is a good sign here. This type of conflict is a brainstem conflict so in the healing phase there will also be night sweats. Kidney stones are a symptom of a hanging healing - repeatedly activated conflict. 

To remedy an abandonment, existence or refugee conflict, you would need to feel safe, connected and part of a community. Finding your people is really important to feel safe. Swimming in the ocean can help to balance our fluid, or a salt water bath. 


If this conflict is underlying another conflict, the body is already holding more water. So when we move into healing mode for that conflict, the Kidneys release the fluid. This can create strong headaches and large swelling elsewhere, for example a cyst, a fibroid or a tumor. During surgery could be a time that we have a large conflict, and then people are often isolated in the hospital. Spending as much time with family and friends while they are in hospital healing can do a lot to prevent massive swelling and abandonment conflicts. 

This is not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult a practitioner for more support. This information is an introduction for you to explore where your conditions may have begun, and is by no means complete as other conflicts may also be possible. Respect and credit is given to Dr Hamer and


GNM - Common Cold with Cough


GNM - Skin Conditions: Attack, Soiled & Disfigurement